The first book I can remember being smitten with as a child was The Monster at the End of this Book, wherein Grover from Sesame Street, speaking directly to the reader, warns that there is, in fact, a monster at the end of the book. He tries tying the pages shut, nailing the pages, and evens builds a brick wall. But, of course, those nettlesome readers keep turning the pages until the last page is turned and the monster is revealed to be our beloved puppet himself.
There's a monster at the end of this blog post, too.
It's a link to a new, transitional AlderTrack site. It's horrifying. Close your browser now and walk away from the computer. The site is filled with the City Council's April 26th Zoning Committee agenda items, geographically categorized by neighborhood with Cook County Assessor's Office property pictures and related news links. In the coming weeks and months the site will include other advanced notice agenda items from the Zoning Board of Appeals, Chicago Plan Commission, and Community Development Commission monthly meetings. You might find the occassional MP3 and committee meeting transcript, too.
It's a multifarious movement of municipal esoterica, and once it grabs a hold of you it might not let go.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
- JD